zobraz celý textBarbora Žùrková, Radim Žùrek: The Replacement
19th Month of Photography in Bratislava, Galéria Artotéka, Kapucínska 1, Bratislava, November 6-30, 2009
Barbora Žůrková and Radim Žůrek have recently made a vibrant and significant appearance at the Czech photographic scene. Today, along with Dita Pepe, Barbora Kuklíková, Radeq Brousil, Štěpánka Stein with Salim Issa, Kateřina Držková, Jan Faukner, Barbora Bálková, Tereza Vlčková and others, they belong to those young Czech photographers who have succeeded in precisely addressing topical creative tendencies and creating clear-cut, conceptually stable, unique, visually strong and technically perfect works that reach out to a wide audience. Similarly to most of the above mentioned photographers, the Žůreks are not afraid to come to a fusion of the „fine“ and „degraded“ arts and look for inspiration outside of the ghetto of traditional photography in film, music, literature, visual art as well as in fashion or advertizing. Alike a growing number of young artists, they masterly handle possibilities offered by digital manipulation with photographic images. Instead of traditional capturing the real world and its inhabitants which prevailed in photography for the first hundred and fifty years of its existence, they create pictures belonging to a non-existent world and artificially made people, a world in which the reality and fiction can no longer be told apart. Although, nowadays, photography has lost its aura of trueness, which it actually never fully bore before, it has become unlimited means to portraying visions that don’t depend on concrete objects.
zobraz celý textA Perfect Day, Elise...
20th November –19th December 2009
A Perfect Day, Elise...
15, rue du Pré aux Clercs, 75007 Paris
Tél. : +33 (0)1 45 48 18 13 - Fax : +33 (0)1 45 48 04 69
lefebvre.petrenko@wanadoo.fr - www.gallery-lefebvre.com
Opening Reception
is pleased to announce:
A Perfect Day, Elise...
Thursday, 19th November 2009, 6–9 pm
15, rue du Pré aux Clercs, 75007 PARIS -
zobraz celý textCZECH AVANT-GARDE PHOTOGRAPHY"in Washington, D.C."
Join leading Czech scholar and photographer Vladimir Birgus as he discusses the pioneering work of photographers in 1920s and 1930s Prague. Czech avant-garde photographers, grounded in their familiarity with international trends, contributed some of the era’s most original, forward-looking photography.
Birgus is head of the Institute of Creative Photography at Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, and curator of Prague Biennale Photo.
By donation
In conjunction with the exhibition Object as Subject: Photographs of the Czech Avant-Garde
Support provided by the Trust for Mutual Understanding
František Drtikol. Nude with Vase (detai), 1927. Pigment print, printed c. 1927. From the personal collection of Howard Greenberg, NYC -
zobraz celý textMesiac fotografie Bratislava - Program/Programme
Mesiac fotografie Bratislava
2009 - program / Month of Photography 2009 Bratislava - Programme -
zobraz celý textOnce Upon a Time in the East
Once Upon a Time in the East.poster
Czechs through the Eyes of Photographers, 1948–1989The City Gallery Prague, The Stone Bell House, Straměstské náměstí 13, Prague
28 October 2009 – 3 January 2010
Exhibition curators: Vladimír Birgus, Tomáš Pospěch
Architectural concept: Emil Zavadil
Graphic design: Vladimír a Martin Vimr
The exhibition has been organized by the City Gallery Prague
in association with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague,
the CTK Photobank, KANT Publishers and the Institute of Creative
Photography, Silesian University in Opava.
Catalogue: KANT (Karel Kerlický), Prague – www.kant-books.com -
zobraz celý textJitka Teubalová / ona
Katedra fotografie FAMU v Praze, Institut tvůrčí fotografie FPF Slezské univerzity v Opavě
a Galerie Velryba si Vas dovolují pozvat na zahájení výstavy Jitka Teubalová.V pondělí 2.listopadu 2009 v18 hodin. Doprovodný program vernisáže: videoprojekce
performance Virgencitas underground a živá hudba. Galerie Velryba, Opatovická 24,
Praha 1. Výstava potrvá do 3. 12. 2009. Otevřeno: po- so 12- 22 hod, neděle zavřeno. -
zobraz celý textKlauzurní a diplomové práce za rok 2009 - Tisková zpráva
Národní divadlo moravskoslezské v Ostravě
a Institut tvůrčí fotografie FPF Slezské univerzity
v Opavě Vás srdečně zvou na otevření výstavy
Galerie Opera, Divadlo Jiřího Myrona, Čs. legií 14,
Ostrava. Výstavní projekt je realizován za podpory
statutárního města Ostrava.
ve čtvrtek 29. října 2009 v 17 hodin.
Kurátor Aleš Kuneš.
Výstava, kterou zahájí Jiří Siostrzonek, bude
otevřena do 9. prosince 2009 vždy hodinu
před představením.
Klauzurní a diplomové
práce Institutu tvůrčí
fotografie za rok 2009
1. část: Portrét