zobraz celý text„Last Summer“
Dovoluji si Vas pozvat na zahájení výstavy fotografií „Last Summer“ v galerii Velryba, 7.7. od 19hod.
S pozdravem
Matěj Třešňák
zobraz celý textCzech Photography od the 20th Century
Czech Photography of the 20th Century.cover Vladimír Birgus, Jan Mlčoch: Czech Photography of the 20th Century. Graphic design - Vladimír and Martin Vimr. English translation - Derek and Marzía Paton and William McEnchroe. KANT (Karel Kerlický), Prague 2010. 390 pgs.
Writing history is a big responsibility, as long as we still believe in the power of words, as long as we are convinced that what we’re writing is not irrelevant, and that culture (civilisation) without words would cease to exist. And that the inflation of words means the devaluation of culture. Sometimes I believe that this is the minority view – not that it is fully destined for extinction – but rather that it’s been pushed aside. Pressure for quick results, and if possible immediate effect, results in nothing being prepared well and the public demanding various ready-made goods.
zobraz celý textAbsolvent ITF Rafał Milach získal Grand Prix na Newyorském festivalu fotografie
Rafal Milach, Módní fotografie pro House Polský absolvent Institutu tvůrčí fotografie FPF SU v Opavě Rafal
Milach získal Grand Prix na Newyorském festivalu fotografie za svůj
soubor fotografií z Islandu "In the car with R". Za soubor
netradičních módních snímků pro House obdržel první cenu v
kategorii módní fotografie, soubor z Islandu byl oceněn čestným